Category: edci337–blog

Topic 9- Active vs Passive Learning Using Multimedia Tools

Bad News is a very interesting game. First of all, I think the game uses The Segmenting Principle, where not all the steps appear at once, but the next step appears when you make a choice. Bad news also uses The Coherence Principle. there is no extraneous text or material in the course of the game. It displays a very clear and concise text.

The game does not follow the Temporal Contiguity Principle, as there is no recorded sound. I think that if we add some music to the game, the game will not be boring!

I think this game could add some signal elements, such as underlining the font on keywords. This would give a clear idea of the main content of the topic at a glance.

Bad News score

Sketchnoting uses the Coherence Principle because using pictures or markers related to the content in the notes makes the notes look clear. Sketchnoting allows learners to not only record what they hear but to express it in their own way, thus deepening their memory.


For me, it may be helpful because handwritten notes do help me to deepen my memory of what I am learning while I am studying. I don’t think I would be able to use visual note-taking because it could be distracting.

In EDCI 337, Peer review is an Active Learning technique. We deepen our understanding of what we learn by evaluating other people’s blogs.

Topic 7 Importance of Storytelling

Twine story uses The Signaling Principle and The Segmenting Principle.

The Signaling Principle: In each segment, you can use bold font and underline to highlight the key points. Learners can quickly know the key points of learning and deepen their memory. This is also used to signal the end of the section and the beginning of the new section when switching topics.

The Segmenting Principle: The entire story is told one by one with a few connecting words, instead of a large text that can be very boring to students. It is much better when information is presented in segments rather than in succession. Students have the freedom to control the pace of learning, which is beneficial to their learning efficiency.

Twine story is a very interesting multimedia tool. I think it would be more convenient than PPT if it is used as a learning tool. For example, in a history class, you can use chronological order to explain the development of history to the students. Twine story is the most important point for me is that each new segment can be related to the previous one. It is easy to see the step by step process and the sequence of development. It is not confusing for the students to watch.

Twine story:

Topic 5 Blog

Based on the H5P interactive video created last week using the SAMR framework, I think it can be useful for students to improve their learning skills.

The SAMR framework was used because its four levels effectively increased students’ interest in learning. They no longer feel that listening to the lecture is a boring thing in the learning process. First of all, the video “Substitution” the traditional PowerPoint and board. “Augmentation”, the video also pops up questions during the process of playing. It enhances students’ memory. “Modification”, the video uses a different model from the previous one, so that students experience a novel learning mode and increase their attraction. With “Redefinition”, students may be able to discuss different ideas or draw new inspiration from the questions that pop up.

I think I used the principles of Coherence and Signaling in last week’s video. There were no extraneous images or words in my video. There are also hints in the learning materials to help students understand the content better


Link to the 360-tour:

Weekly Blog–Topic 4 The Design Process & Lesson Planning

Multimedia lesson plans are important because multimedia can give the teacher a general direction for teaching. The teacher can use the lesson plan to plan the content of his or her lecture and the division of the unit. A lesson plan is like an outline before we write a paper, we have a general direction to know how to teach the students.

In the video with embedded multiple-choice questions, the multiple-choice questions deepen students’ memory while watching the video. Students may be distracted while watching the video, but having multiple-choice questions in the video may increase their attention to the video. Students may go back and watch the video until the questions are correct. I think this is a way to increase students’ interest in learning.

This image is the interface where I added multiple choice questions to the video. The teacher can choose to pop up the questions at that time when adding them. Students can click to check their answers after answering the question, so they have a better impression of the correct answer even if they answer incorrectly.

Weekly Blog–Topic 3 Multimedia Learning

According to the six principles of multimedia learning proposed by Dr. Ray Pastore, I think the principles of coherence, spatial, and redundancy are more applicable to teachers’ PowerPoint presentations.

First of all, the principle of coherence, the professor in the use of PowerPoint in order to enrich the content may add too many pictures or sound effects. But images that are not related to the course will not only not improve the students’ attention, but also will attract students’ attention to the images that are not related to the course and thus ignore the real content. I think the professor should remove some irrelevant content when making the PowerPoint.In spatial principle, separating the words describing the picture means that the same content appears twice. Learners repeat the same knowledge twice in their memory, deepening their perceptions even more. According to the Redundancy Principle, it is more effective to present the picture text and narration together. Learners learn better by combining watching and listening.

Examples of a multimedia learning principle:

In my Korean class, each word shown by the professor was accompanied by a corresponding picture. I could deepen what I learned by both watching and listening to the communication.

(resource:from Korean lecture)

But I’ve had professors use ppt’s when the ppt’s only had text on them and a lot of it. This makes me feel very boring. The ppt presentation is very useless and unattractive for me.


Weekly blog-Topic 2

According to the dual coding theory, our brain remembers more about what it sees than what it hears in terms of memory. When you don’t have rich content on the PowerPoint, then the students’ learning efficiency will not improve. Letting students listen to while watching can maximize students’ learning efficiency. So we need to be richer in content when making ppt.

The tool that allows students to discuss together. We often have questions when we study online, but the teacher may sometimes be too late to answer them. This tool allows everyone to see the question, and those who know the answer can answer the student’s question. Likewise, this tool helps teachers to reduce a lot of burdens.

Interactive learning is very efficient in the learning process. In an article about Multimodality, it is mentioned that “A mode is generally defined as a communication channel that a culture recognizes. Examples of modes are writing, gesture, posture, gaze, font choice and color, images, video, and even the interactions between them.(2020)” These modes of interaction make the students’ knowledge more memorable in our learning life.


Multimodality (Kress). (2020, June 02). Retrieved January 23, 2021, from

Week 1- Learning Objectives

Hope to get out of this class:

In this class, I would like to move away from a more interactive style of teaching because I think a more interactive style of teaching would make the class more enriching. One thing I was not sure about in the class was whether the interactive teaching style would improve the students’ attention and learning atmosphere in the class.

Example of an interactive or multimedia learning experience:

I used an app called tophat when I was in econ 203, where I could sign in and play the ppt in real time. The app also allowed the teacher to post some practice questions, assignments and tests. The results are available immediately after completing the questions. This greatly reduces the teacher’s time to correct assignments. Students also do not have to feel anxious about their grades.

Other thoughts or reflections:

I think the interactive teaching method allows the teacher to know more quickly how well the students have mastered the course. In the article “Interactive Teaching Styles Used in the Classroom”, it is stated that ” Whereas students often lose interest during lecture-style teaching, interactive teaching styles promote an atmosphere of attention and participation. (2018) “During the pandemic, most courses were online, which allowed for more interactive learning modes. The more interaction in the classroom, the more interest the students can have.



5 Examples of Interactive Teaching Styles: Resilient Educator. (2018, April 06). Retrieved January 17, 2021, from