According to the six principles of multimedia learning proposed by Dr. Ray Pastore, I think the principles of coherence, spatial, and redundancy are more applicable to teachers’ PowerPoint presentations.

First of all, the principle of coherence, the professor in the use of PowerPoint in order to enrich the content may add too many pictures or sound effects. But images that are not related to the course will not only not improve the students’ attention, but also will attract students’ attention to the images that are not related to the course and thus ignore the real content. I think the professor should remove some irrelevant content when making the PowerPoint.In spatial principle, separating the words describing the picture means that the same content appears twice. Learners repeat the same knowledge twice in their memory, deepening their perceptions even more. According to the Redundancy Principle, it is more effective to present the picture text and narration together. Learners learn better by combining watching and listening.

Examples of a multimedia learning principle:

In my Korean class, each word shown by the professor was accompanied by a corresponding picture. I could deepen what I learned by both watching and listening to the communication.

(resource:from Korean lecture)

But I’ve had professors use ppt’s when the ppt’s only had text on them and a lot of it. This makes me feel very boring. The ppt presentation is very useless and unattractive for me.