Weekly blog-Topic 2

According to the dual coding theory, our brain remembers more about what it sees than what it hears in terms of memory. When you don’t have rich content on the PowerPoint, then the students’ learning efficiency will not improve. Letting students listen to while watching can maximize students’ learning efficiency. So we need to be richer in content when making ppt.

The Hypothes.is tool that allows students to discuss together. We often have questions when we study online, but the teacher may sometimes be too late to answer them. This tool allows everyone to see the question, and those who know the answer can answer the student’s question. Likewise, this tool helps teachers to reduce a lot of burdens.

Interactive learning is very efficient in the learning process. In an article about Multimodality, it is mentioned that “A mode is generally defined as a communication channel that a culture recognizes. Examples of modes are writing, gesture, posture, gaze, font choice and color, images, video, and even the interactions between them.(2020)” These modes of interaction make the students’ knowledge more memorable in our learning life.


Multimodality (Kress). (2020, June 02). Retrieved January 23, 2021, from https://www.learning-theories.com/multimodality-kress.html

1 Comment

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  1. Wei, I liked your diagram, but it would be even better if you made it larger so that it is easier to read. Keep up the good work!

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