I have made an update to the Google Earth Story. I have added a number of new locations to the original. And I have changed the original information box from a small one to a large one. I have changed the colours of the location icons. The purpose of separating the colors of the icons for the main and secondary locations of the Forbidden City is to make it easier for the reader to accurately determine the importance of the location. In accordance with the signaling principle, I have bolded or italicized the important parts of the brief description of the location. The Spatial Contiguity Principle and the Temporal Contiguity Principle are already used in the Google Earth Story. Also, based on the Dual Coding theory, the images and text appear together to enhance the reader’s impression.

For this improvement, Google Earth Story has been made even better. Readers will learn more effectively about this time.

The link for the Google Earth Story.